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Call for help: Spring4D and Delphi MultiCast events: working for Win32, Win64 and Mac OS X x64, but Android/iOS ARM help needed.

Posted by jpluimers on 2014/04/22

Years after Allen Bauer and a few others wrote about Delphi MultiCast events, the Spring4D framework now supports MultiCast events on 3 platforms:

  • Win32
  • Win64
  • Mac OS x86

Depending on the platform, the minimum required Delphi version is this (the develop branch builds in Delphi XE6):

  • Win32: Delphi 2010 and up.
  • Win64: Delphi XE2 and up.
  • MacOSX: Delphi XE2 and up.

There are plans for support on Mobile platforms, and Spring4D needs help with that:

  • The Intel implementation is written in Assembly, and fast.
  • The Arm compiler does not allow Assembly language for various reasons.

So there is a need for an ARM solution not based on assembly in the Delphi code, preferably as cross-platform as possible. Even when Embarcadero solves QC 101064: TRttiInvokableType.CreateImplementation, there might still be a need for a fast implementation (the x86 and x64 implementations are fast and with the growth of mobile, fast could be a big benefit). If you are interested in helping, or just lurking around:

Some background information about the articles by Allen Bauer, and people implementing multi-cast events themselves:


One Response to “Call for help: Spring4D and Delphi MultiCast events: working for Win32, Win64 and Mac OS X x64, but Android/iOS ARM help needed.”

  1. edwinyzh said

    Thanks! And for those who want to see an example, check this spring4d group post:!searchin/spring4d/multicast%7Csort:date/spring4d/X5wqzeUAMcI/VOnNUjcxAAAJ

    But note that in my experience, the FClick entity in the above mentioned post, should be declared as a field instead of local var, otherwise you’ll get an ‘Access Violation’ error.

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