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Bleeding Edge: version “edit link” broken in latest Google Chrome stable build – or is Vodafone causing this? #fail

Posted by jpluimers on 2010/06/21

One of the things I use most when writing blog entries is in WordPress the “Alt-Shift-A” keyboard shortcut (the “Insert/edit link” button in the toolbar).

This used to work fine in Google Chrome (my favourite browser), but now it fails, well sort of.

This is what happens: when you perform the Edit/Insert action, you see only a blank popup window, and a wait cursor for about 30 seconds, then you see the final Insert/Edit link popup window.

I’m not sure it is because of the new stable build of Chrome, changes in the engine or the Vodafone UMTS network (I’ll explain below why).

It does work fine in these current browser versions:

I have put FireFox last, as the engine does not always works nice (kinds of display issues).

So back to IE for editing WordPress posts for at least a while…

Finding the cause

The reason I’m not sure that I’m not sure what caused this issue is that both and Google Chrome recently got updates:

Since I could not find similar stories on the internet about my problem, I’ve played around a bit with Fiddler 2, and found that the difference between the Insert/Edit link feature in Google Chrome and Internet Explorer is that Google Chrome tries to load this link

That obviously fails, but I have not found out why it is loaded in Google Chrome and not in Internet Explorer yet.
It might have to do that I recently used the Vodafone UMTS network, and Vodafone runs a transparant proxy messing up with the HTML.
The odd thing is that it fails now, I tried both an ADSL (xs4all ADSL) and a Cable (UPC Fiber Power) connection.

To be continued…


3 Responses to “Bleeding Edge: version “edit link” broken in latest Google Chrome stable build – or is Vodafone causing this? #fail”

  1. […] The Wiert Corner: Bleeding Edge: version “edit link” broken in latest Google Chrom… Posted in WordPress. RSS feed for comments on this post.. TrackBack URL. […]

  2. […] Vodafone transparent proxy loads, and I bitten by this proxy before, so it was pretty easy to find the cause. There is no work around (apart from RDP-ing into a remote […]

  3. […] Posted by jpluimers on 2010/07/05 Last week I wrote about Bleeding Edge: version “edit link” broken in latest Google Chrome stable build –…. […]

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