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Are there any static code analysis tools for Delphi/Pascal? – Stack Overflow

Posted by jpluimers on 2020/06/02

Still interesting question: [WayBack] Are there any static code analysis tools for Delphi/Pascal? – Stack Overflow

The basic problem here is that there is no formal language definition for the Delphi or Object Pascal language.

[WayBack] GitHub – RomanYankovsky/DelphiAST: Abstract syntax tree builder for Delphi (which also supports FreePascal and Lazarus) comes closest, and is used by FixInsight.

All other tools have more or less problems parsing various language constructs.

This starts with the built-in tooling that is based on [WayBack] Modeling Applications with Together which basically has not been maintained since the Delphi 2007 era.

Then there is for instance [WayBack] Code Healer Group CodeHealer for Delphi, but their [WayBack] Code Healer Group Forums – Index page have no messages since 2016.

Another wrapper around DelphiAST, is [WayBack] GitHub – MikhailIzvekov/DelphiSCA: Static code analysis tools for Delphi, which has a visual way to walk that AST. But it has not been maintained for years. The cool thing however, is that the AST is in sync with the code editor.

Finally, TestInsight uses DelphiAST to go to the right source code location.



We created a parser that made a Famix model for Moose. There is a Delphi parser in the latest SmaCC in GToolkit. But as a growing language without a formal definition, it is tricky

One Response to “Are there any static code analysis tools for Delphi/Pascal? – Stack Overflow”

  1. uweraabe said

    I am using Pascal Analyzer (Peganza) and Understand (SciTools).

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