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Working around Windows 10 upgrade 21H2 suddenly requiring 20+GBytes instead of 10+.

Posted by jpluimers on 2023/10/30

[Wayback/Archive] Jeroen Wiert Pluimers on Twitter: “Hey @MicrosoftHelps, in the past @Windows 10 upgrades required around ~10Gbytes of free disk space. It now has increased to over 20Gbytes. @WindowsUpdate Why? This is not fun when upgrading a bunch of regression VMs. “:

Few people seem to bump into this, but I found back it happened starting from the early Windows 10 days on, for instance with [Wayback/Archive] 20GB Windows Update, 28GB SSD – Microsoft Community in 2016:

For the second time, Microsoft is pushing out a GIGANTIC update to my windows 10 home laptop.  My laptop came with Windows 10.   Last time they demanded 10GB of free space.   I unloaded EVERY program I had, resulting in 14GB of Windows System and 14GB of free space.   Update worked fine.

Today, Windows 10 Update is demanding 20GB of free space on my poor laptop with no option to use an external drive.    My entire drive is only 28GB!

My solution was to run the upgrade from DVD ISO image and add a temporary 25G hard disk, then remove that hard disk after installation.

Via [Wayback/Archive] why has windows 10 disk requirement increased to 20 gigabytes – Google Search.


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