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Archive for the ‘DevDays09’ Category

Happy 20th Anniversary, .NET!

Posted by jpluimers on 2022/02/13

I almost missed this: [Wayback/Archive] Happy 20th Anniversary, .NET! – .NET Blog.

Given I am still recovering from the long period of cancer treatments, I am glad that Beth Massi reminded me (a “thank you” is below the signature):

To keep the story about myself short: currently I am cancer free, long term (i.e. 10 years) looks dim, but my mental focus has recovered and I am getting joy again doing technical stuff. I am still working on the increasing my mental and physical endurance, so real work is not yet possible but unlike half a year ago, I am confident I will be able to eventually.

Back to the .NET story (as I have learned when to conserve energy): I kept track of Anders Hejlsberg ever since Turbo Pascal 1.0 on CP/M (see The calculators that got me into programming (via: calculators : Algorithms for the masses – julian m bucknall)) and when after the Visual J++ lawsuits things a first got a bit too silent to my liking.

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Posted in .NET, .NET 1.x, About, Conferences, DevDays09, Development, Event, History, Pascal, Personal, Software Development, Turbo Pascal, Visual J++ | Leave a Comment »

Spoken @ DevDays 2009 NL – download is online: .NET & hardware – capture video & control servos, in a fun application

Posted by jpluimers on 2009/06/02

Last week I spoke at the GeekNight of the Dutch Microsoft DevDays 2009.
A great conference, signalling two important industry wide trends:

  • Cloud computing
  • Natural user interfaces

There were many interesting presentations on both, and we are only at the beginning of those trends: interesting times are ahead!

My presentation (.NET & hardware – capture video & control servos, in a fun application) was as a GeekNight session.
That imposed geeky stuff, but in addition it addressed an important point: there will be many more means of interaction.
In particular, my ‘geek’ combination of hardware and software would react on movements seen by the webcam by pointing the beam of the laserpointer towards the largest area that moved.

After that I enjoyed the long Pentecost weekend (yes, the monday after Pentecost is a Holiday in the Netherlands, so most people have a day off then).

Today I updated my Conferences, seminars and other public appearances page with my DevDays materials to download.

It contains both the sourcecode, and the presentation in English.

Enjoy the download :-)


Posted in .NET, C#, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, DevDays09, Development, Event, Hardware Interfacing, Servo, Software Development, USB, WebCam | Leave a Comment »

Speaking @ Microsoft DevDays ’09, May 28-29, The Hague

Posted by jpluimers on 2009/04/21

DevDays '09 logo

I’ll be speaking during the Microsoft DevDays ‘09 that are held from May 28-29 (27 if you count the preconference) in The Hague (at the World Forum, previously known as Nederlands Congres Centrum).

My session is in the “Geek Night” track that is held on the evening of May 28.

It is gonna be a cool session, showing collaboration on many levels:

  • as in integration between .NET and hardware (WebCams and Servos through USB)
  • as cooperation between you and Open Source projects
  • as building your own shooter device from plexiglass and other easy to obtain hardware
  • as interaction between users and the automated shooter device

DevDays '09 logo Geek Night

The session works towards the creation of an automated shooter device.
It consists of a USB webcam of which you monitor the video stream, a USB Servo Controller that steers Servos and relais, and a laserpointer.
The laserpointer can track moving objects (like you, the audience!) as seen through the  webcam.

During the session you see the pro’s and con’s of using Open Source, what can go wrong when using multiple-web-cams, and much much more.

Prepare for a fun night!

Posted in .NET, C#, Conferences, DevDays09, Development, Event, Software Development | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »