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VMware ESXi 4.0 / ESXi 4.1: enable SSH login for non-root users (and only them)

Posted by jpluimers on 2010/09/28

VMware ESXi has SSH disabled by default.

In ESX / ESXi 3 and 3.5, it took a while for people to recognize the ‘unsupported’ trick and enable SSH.
In ESXi 4.0, /sbin/ was fixed, so SSH was easier to enable (note: only delete the # in front of the first ssh).
Since ESXi version 4.1, SSH is called “Remote Tech Support (SSH)”, and it very easy to enable from the console.
Thomas Maurer described how easy it is to activate SSH in ESXi 4.1. He provides clear screen shots, whereas the VMware knowledge base article just lists the textual steps.

But contrary to ESX/ESXi 3.5 and lower, and *nix habits, enabling SSH on ESXi 4.x will enable this for the root user.
This has to do with the switch between ESX/ESXi 3.5 and 4.0 from to the dropbear ssh daemon (in the /sbin/dropbearmulti binary).
Dropbear is a very lightweight implementation of the SSH 2 protocol; ideal for ESXi which – as a hypervisor – needs to have a really low footprint.

In addition to the dropbear change, SSH is disabled for non-root users (which has nothing to do with dropbear, see below).

This post is about how to fix not only the SSH (as above) but also how to allow specific users to use SSH.The fact that SSH is disabled for non-root users is very confusing, especially because there is no difference in what you see upon a login through a bad username/password combination, or a user that is not allowed SSH access.
You will see this in under both circumstances:

C:\Users\username>ssh -l username
username@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

Fixing SSH access for the user is a two step process.

Both steps involve editing the /etc/passwd file.
So you will need to SSH to your ESXi 4.x box as root user to fix this.

This is what the /etc/passwd file looks like (note I made a copy into /etc/passw.original before doing the edits; always have a backup ):

~ # cat /etc/passwd.original
nfsnobody:x:65534:65534:Anonymous NFS User:/:/sbin/nologin
dcui:x:100:100:DCUI User:/:/sbin/nologin
username:x:501:0:Linux User,,,:/home/username:/sbin/nologin

The first step is to change the default shell for username from /sbin/nologin (ESXi 4.0 has /bin/false) /into /bin/ash (the same shell that user root uses).
Since ESXi is *nix based, but has very few tools installed, you will have to use vi with that, so a list if VI keyboard shortcuts come in handy.
When you have done that, you might think you are ready.
You are not.
This is what you will see:

C:\Users\username>ssh -l username
username@'s password:
You have activated Tech Support Mode.
The time and date of this activation have been sent to the system logs.

VMware offers supported, powerful system administration tools.  Please
see for details.

Tech Support Mode may be disabled by an administrative user.
Please consult the ESXi Configuration Guide for additional
important information.

Connection to closed.

In other words: SSH login works, but the connection is immediately closed.
I have seen this behaviour on other *nix machines as well, so I recognized that the login directory for the user was wrong.

Indeed it is: when VMware ESXi 4.x adds a user, it adds the home directory in the /etc/passwd file.
But it does not create that home directory.
There are basically 2 solutions for this:

  1. create the /home/username directory
  2. replace the /home/username directory in /etc/passwd with the / root directory

I did the last step, see this diff:

/etc # diff passwd passwd.original
--- passwd      Wed Aug  4 19:34:14 2010
+++ passwd.original     Wed Aug  4 19:27:53 2010
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
 dcui:x:100:100:DCUI User:/:/sbin/nologin
-username:x:501:0:Linux User,,,:/:/bin/ash
+username:x:501:0:Linux User,,,:/home/username:/sbin/nologin

And now the login works:

C:\Users\username>ssh -l username
username@'s password:
You have activated Tech Support Mode.
The time and date of this activation have been sent to the system logs.

VMware offers supported, powerful system administration tools.  Please
see for details.

Tech Support Mode may be disabled by an administrative user.
Please consult the ESXi Configuration Guide for additional
important information.

~ $ su
~ # pwd

Now that I you have enabled SSH for a non-root account, you can start disabling it for the root account.
Knowing that the SSH server is in fact dropbear makes that easy: just look up the dropbear man page.

Here you see that adding the -w option to the dropbear commandline will “Disallow root logins”.
The solution is the same for all ESXi 4.x installations:

  1. login to the console or through SSH
  2. change this /etc/inetd.conf line by adding -w after the -i


ssh     stream  tcp     nowait  root    /sbin/dropbearmulti     dropbear  ++min=0,swap,group=shell -i -K60


ssh     stream  tcp     nowait  root    /sbin/dropbearmulti     dropbear  ++min=0,swap,group=shell -i -w -K60

Finally you will need to restart the inetd service by calling restart

Now that you can only login as non-root using SSH, you still need a means to become root.
Here you can use the su command.

I hope this helps a few people getting this to work sooner than I did.


Daniel Barnes posted the comment below, but since source code font in comments is to be really big, and I did not yet find out how to successfully change the WordPress CSS to alliviate it.
So here is the comment in full:

It is possible to make it permanent. I wrote a script which allows members of a “localadmin” group to remotely login via ssh. Create the group via vSphere and add users to it as desired.

In the “Local Technical Support Mode” shell, execute:

mkdir -p /tmp/oem/etc/vmware/init/init.d
vi /tmp/oem/etc/vmware/init/init.d/120.config-inetd

Then enter the code below:


# Enable SSH
sed '/tcp[^6]/s/^#ssh/ssh/' -i /etc/inetd.conf

# Disable root login
sed '/ssh/s/-i -K60/-i -w -K60/' -i /etc/inetd.conf

# Grant access to localadmin group
sed '/localadmin/d;1s/$/\n+:localadmin:ALL/' -i /etc/security/access.conf

# Configure shell for localadmin users
for u in $(grep ^localadmin /etc/group|cut -d: -f4|sed 's/,/\n/g'|grep -v root); do
sed '/^'$u':/s:/sbin/nologin:/bin/ash:' -i /etc/passwd

# Create home directories for localadmin users
home=$(grep $u /etc/passwd|cut -d: -f6)
mkdir -p $home/.ssh
chown -R $u:users $home
chmod 700 $home/.ssh

# Configure crontab to restore settings
mkdir -p $(dirname $CRONTAB)
sed /120.config-inetd/d -i $CRONTAB
echo '* * * * * sh /etc/vmware/init/init.d/120.config-inetd' >> $CRONTAB

# Remove syslog clutter
sed '/120.config-inetd/d' -i /var/log/messages

Do this step if you already have an oem.tgz:

tar xzf /bootbank/oem.tgz -C /tmp/oem

Create a new oem.tgz:

tar czf /bootbank/oem.tgz etc -C /tmp/oem


9 Responses to “VMware ESXi 4.0 / ESXi 4.1: enable SSH login for non-root users (and only them)”

  1. […] my Goolge-Fu I quickly stumbled across two posts that detailed a process of how to do this on ESXi 4.1. Now many of the problems in 4.1 […]

  2. Jo said

    So this moderating business..
    root can be disabled to viclient access via viclient and other users can be added in the same way under permissions

  3. Carlos said

    I’ve tested your procedure and it works fine. But it is not a permanent change. After any edition of the user’s profile in the viClient (even without modification) the user’s entry login field in the file /etc/passwd changes from /bin/ash to /sbin/nologin. After that it is not possible to login with that user and it is necessary to repeat the steps again. Any idea to avoit that behaviour?

    • jpluimers said

      You could write a script for that, and run it after every change in the viClient.
      Not nice, but should work fine.

      • Daniel said

        It is possible to make it permanent. I wrote a script which allows members of a “localadmin” group to remotely login via ssh. Create the group via vSphere and add users to it as desired.

        In the “Local Technical Support Mode” shell, execute:

        mkdir -p /tmp/oem/etc/vmware/init/init.d
        vi /tmp/oem/etc/vmware/init/init.d/120.config-inetd

        Then enter the code below:


        # Enable SSH
        sed '/tcp[^6]/s/^#ssh/ssh/' -i /etc/inetd.conf

        # Disable root login
        sed '/ssh/s/-i -K60/-i -w -K60/' -i /etc/inetd.conf

        # Grant access to localadmin group
        sed '/localadmin/d;1s/$/\n+:localadmin:ALL/' -i /etc/security/access.conf

        # Configure shell for localadmin users
        for u in $(grep ^localadmin /etc/group|cut -d: -f4|sed 's/,/\n/g'|grep -v root); do
        sed '/^'$u':/s:/sbin/nologin:/bin/ash:' -i /etc/passwd

        # Create home directories for localadmin users
        home=$(grep $u /etc/passwd|cut -d: -f6)
        mkdir -p $home/.ssh
        chown -R $u:users $home
        chmod 700 $home/.ssh

        # Configure crontab to restore settings
        mkdir -p $(dirname $CRONTAB)
        sed /120.config-inetd/d -i $CRONTAB
        echo '* * * * * sh /etc/vmware/init/init.d/120.config-inetd' >> $CRONTAB

        # Remove syslog clutter
        sed '/120.config-inetd/d' -i /var/log/messages

        Do this step if you already have an oem.tgz:

        tar xzf /bootbank/oem.tgz -C /tmp/oem

        Create a new oem.tgz:

        tar czf /bootbank/oem.tgz etc -C /tmp/oem

  4. Tom said

    Great article! there is also a new blog post about activate SSH on ESXi 4.1 via the vSphere Client.

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