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Delphi: you should avoid the `with` statement as it makes your code less future proof

Posted by jpluimers on 2013/03/27

As I wrote before, I’m with the [WayBack] Delphi with haters camp, and this is why:

Using the [WayBackwith statement in Delphi makes your code less future proof.

Originally, the with statement in Pascal was argumented in part of allowing compiler optimisations:

PASCAL User Manual and Report – Kathleen Jensen, Niklaus Wirth – Google Books

The with clause effectively opens the scope containing field identifiers of the specified record variable, so that the field identifiers may occur as variable identifiers. (Thereby providing an opportunity for the compiler to optimize the qualified statement.)

Screenshots of this 1975 book are below the fold.

The Delphi (actually even before that Turbo Pascal compiler) has no measurable difference between with and non-with code.

The debugger however, still does not support with, and there are other drawbacks of which one is below.

The below code example is just one of many. I show it because I recently bumped into doing some long overdue code porting to Delphi XE3.

Since I’ve been bitten by using with a couple of times before, it didn’t take me long to find the cause.

Example code where FIConData is of type NOTIFYICONDATAW that used to compile fine:

    with FIconData do
      cbSize := SizeOf(FIconData);
      Wnd := Self.Handle;
      uID := $DEDB;
      uFlags := NIF_MESSAGE or NIF_ICON or NIF_TIP;
      hIcon := Application.Icon.Handle;
      uCallbackMessage := WM_CAS400NTIcon;
      StrCopy(szTip, PChar(Caption));

Well, as of Compiler Version 20, it doesn’t compile any more.

The reason is that the _NOTIFYICONDATAW got changed, because the underlying Windows API NOTIFYICONDATA structure changed to accommodate new Windows Vista features.

But because of backward compatibiliy, you cannot pass the full new structure when you are running on Windows versions prior to Windows Vista.

Hence this piece of code to calculate the right structure size in the ShellApi unit as of Delphi 2009:

class function _NOTIFYICONDATAW.SizeOf: Integer; static;
  if Win32MajorVersion >= 6 then
    // Size of complete structure
    Result := System.SizeOf(_NOTIFYICONDATAW)
    // Platforms prior to Vista do not recognize the fields guidItem and hBalloonIcon
    Result := System.SizeOf(_NOTIFYICONDATAW) - System.SizeOf(TGUID) - System.SizeOf(Winapi.Windows.HICON);

SizeOf is a perfectly good name for this, but it clashes when you use the with statement.

Three other SizeOf functions got added. This is the complete list of four:

  • Unit Windows:
    • class function tagNONCLIENTMETRICSA.SizeOf: Integer;
    • class function tagNONCLIENTMETRICSW.SizeOf: Integer;
  • Unit CommCtrl:
    • class function MCHITTESTINFO.SizeOf: Integer;
  • Unit ShellApi:
    • class function _NOTIFYICONDATAW.SizeOf: Integer; static;

You are tempted to rewrite the with like this:

    with FIconData do
{$if CompilerVersion >= 20}
      cbSize := SizeOf();
      cbSize := SizeOf(FIconData);
{$ifend CompilerVersion >= 20}
      Wnd := Self.Handle;
      uID := $DEDB;
      uFlags := NIF_MESSAGE or NIF_ICON or NIF_TIP;
      hIcon := Application.Icon.Handle;
      uCallbackMessage := WM_CAS400NTIcon;
      StrCopy(szTip, PChar(Caption));

But you should in fact rewrite it like this, so you are sure from which entity each value comes:

{$if CompilerVersion >= 20}
    FIconData.cbSize := FIconData.SizeOf();
    FIconData.cbSize := SizeOf(FIconData);
{$ifend CompilerVersion >= 20}
    FIconData.Wnd := Self.Handle;
    FIconData.uID := $DEDB;
    FIconData.uFlags := NIF_MESSAGE or NIF_ICON or NIF_TIP;
    FIconData.hIcon := Application.Icon.Handle;
    FIconData.uCallbackMessage := WM_CAS400NTIcon;
    StrCopy(FIconData.szTip, PChar(Caption));


32 Responses to “Delphi: you should avoid the `with` statement as it makes your code less future proof”

  1. […] A bit more than a year ago, I wrote about Delphi: you should avoid the `with` statement as it makes your code less future proof. […]

  2. […] a year ago, I wrote about Delphi: you should avoid the `with` statement as it makes your code less future proof. Then I already tweeted I would follow up. Time to do it now […]

  3. Bruce McGee said

    In that other thread, I also posted this quote:

    “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”

    And suggested that I probably shouldn’t discourage the use of With because I’ve made a not bad living rehabilitating projects that were littered with them.

    I remember a discussion with another developer (my employer at the time) where he defended having With statements nested three deep. In his mind, he was being pragmatic. In my mind, I was the one who had to maintain and extend that code in production. It got changed.

  4. Bruce McGee said

    Reposted by request from LinkedIn thread pointing to this blog post:

    The use of With is grounds for immediate rejection in a code review.

    Just based on the (hard learned) potential for conflicts that may test properly initially and then break (sometimes subtly) when you upgrade the a newer version of Delphi, update third party code, refactor your own code, or even change the order of units in a uses clause, changing scope.

    Fragile code is takes more effort to maintain.

    On top of this, it obfuscates context, which may make code lines shorter, but makes the intent less obvious to the reader. And if it’s bad with a single With statement, try it with more than one that are overlapped. An explaining variable is a much better solution, here.

    Code that isn’t obvious in its intent is not well written.

    As the saying goes: “Do not write so that you can be understood, write so that you cannot be misunderstood.”

    Or, in more current terms: “Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.”

    It also interferes with debugging, preventing you from inspecting values in code.

    Follow Jeoren’s links for more suggestions where it is a bad practice.

  5. I totally agree with Jeroen! “with” has been a permanent trouble source in customer projects we have been working on. There might be “simple” cases where “with” wouldn’t hurt, but in these “simple” cases you simply don’t need “with”. If EMBT really drops “with” (like someone mentioned above), then I would be ok with that. We actually have a De-Withard almost ready ;)

    • Noisrev said

      This is my ‘source’ where I got that info about ‘with’ drop from NextGen compiler ;)

      From you can get access to public svn of Indy project:

      And see this revision:

      Revision: 4823
      Author: Indy-RemyLebeau
      Date: 6 oct 2012 05:01:58
      Checking in initial changes for NextGen compiler

      After you see changes in this revision (/branches/DelphiNextGen/…), you notice that ‘with’ has been dropped.

  6. antonio said

    Many languages support local dereferencers. “with” should be fixed, not dropped. Lots of suggestions in the Bug Reporting tool from many people. But the linker must be changed to keep the debug info, thus making it delphi-specific, not generic. For this reason it’s easier to drop “with”.

    • Noisrev said

      For now I see only 3-ways to ‘fix’ mess with ‘with’:
      1) warn by compiler when it see ambiguous ‘with’ usage. Generally it should warn in *all cases* when it see ambiguous name usage. I would not mind if it complier would emit ‘error’ in this case.
      [ IMO simple, clean, powerful, bug-free option ]

      2) drop support for it – easy way (already done). This one also ‘fixes’ Debugging/Code completion/syntax/hint issues.

      3) extend syntax to something like (inline variables)
      with var a := My.Very.Long.ClassAccess, b := Their.Very.Long.ClassAccess do
      a.Value := b.Value;

      However this one should be implemented with 1) – because you can nest ‘with’ statements.

  7. Noisrev said

    Delphi NextGen compiler will NOT support ‘with’ statement, so it’s another reason to not use ‘with’ statement at all.

    • jpluimers said

      Good to know that!

    • Chris said

      One of Delphi’s features is that it stays backwards compatible. Why would they suddenly change that?

    • abouchez said

      I suspect it will need something like the C# “using … { }” statement, for IDisposable proper handling.
      “with….” will probably follow the “Oxygene” syntax.

      Of course, this will be another backward compatibility problem.
      A breaking issue.

      Honestly, why not just go to C#, Oxygene, or FreePascal?
      If the only unique aspect of Delphi if its IDE, there is no need to use it.
      For instance, error insight is just broken – even with Delphi’s own RTL units.

      If Delphi NextGen implies a garbage collector (with no ARC-like model), I do not think I will ever use nor support it.

      Honestly, I do not have problem writing un-managed code, and handling my memory by hand.
      If I want some GC and full object model, I will use C#, Java or any script language around.

      I hope the NextGen would not push me to FreePascalCompiler and Lazarus.

  8. There should be a compiler switch to warn about use the of with (or should it be an error). I made a video a while back on my take on with

    • jpluimers said

      Note sure about the compiler switch, but I surely love your video for these reasons:

      – very to the point!
      – it shows you exactly what I meant here: using with makes your code less future proof.
      – the alternative with syntax you accidentally propose:

      with MagicalFrame.Label1 do
      if .Font.Color = clBlue then
      .Font.Color := clRed;
      .Caption := 'Red';
      .Font.Color := clBlue;
      .Caption := 'Blue';

      You might want to add this refactoring to your example, or even refactor the ToggleLabel method into the TFrame3 class:

      procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      procedure TForm2.ToggleLabel(const MagicalLabel: TLabel);
      if MagicalLabel.Font.Color = clBlue then
      MagicalLabel.Font.Color := clRed;
      MagicalLabel.Caption := 'Red';
      MagicalLabel.Font.Color := clBlue;
      MagicalLabel.Caption := 'Blue';


  9. No more “with” magic. :0(

  10. cricque said

    With should never be used, it just creates problems. For all I care it should be removed from Pascal/Delphi.

    Try debugging some code with a with statement, or multiple with statements … it’s so much fun

    • abouchez said

      But sometimes, using “with… do” can be more readable.
      If it is more readable: use it.
      Otherwise, use a local variable.

    • Skydvrz said


      I agree! While a With block might be more readable for the original programmer, they are a nightmare for the next poor bastard that has to try to figure it out. Which lines are fields of the with-parameter and which are external functions? Now I have to step through all the lines of the with block to see how it works. For extra credit (and grief) toss in some globals that have nothing to do with the with-param. Also, they are very difficult to debug since you cannot see the values easily. I remove all with-blocks that I see in legacy code – fabulously readable or not.

  11. Chris said

    I partly agree…

    I think cases such as these are relatively rare, so I don’t think that just this makes a good argument not to use them. Having said that, I think they should only be used where it makes absolute sense and not just everywhere, in such cases as:

    1. When readability is greatly improved (I have seen some good examples of this before).
    2. Performance is improved.

    Number 2 is for me the only real case for using them. I never use With statements when accesses first level properties.

    • jpluimers said

      Can you give an example of 2. ?

      • Chris said




        with Object.Prop1.Prop1_1 do

        In the second code, Prop1_1 is referenced directly for all 3 calls. Where in the first code, the object and every parent propery is requalified on each call.

        Another example:

        Example 2: Performance & Readability

        Employee.Address(“Home”).Address1 := ‘123 ABC Street’;
        Employee.Address(“Home”).City := ‘Adelaide’;
        Employee.Address(“Home”).State := ‘South Australia’;


        lAddress : TAddress;
        lAddress := Employee.GetAddress(‘Home’);
        lAddress.Address1 := ‘123 ABC Street’;
        lAddress.City := ‘Adelaide’;
        lAddress.State := ‘South Australia’;


        with Employee.Address(“Home”) do
        Address1 := ‘123 ABC Street’;
        City := ‘Adelaide’;
        State := ‘South Australia’;

        In this example I think the last code reads and formats slightly nicer than the second code, and with the performance benefit over the first code.

      • abouchez said

        I do not think so.

        There is no performance benefit of using “with … do” instead of a local variable.
        In fact, the generated asm is the same as if a local variable was used: it will be coded using a register if possible, or a local pointer on the stack.
        Nothing more, nothing less than a local variable.

        There is a performance benefit only if you do not use a local variable, but re-evaluate a method within the loop.

        But sometimes, using “with… do” can be more readable.
        If it is more readable: use it.
        Otherwise, use a local variable.

      • Chris said

        For some simple usages of the With statement, yes I agree, however consider the following example:

        TAddress = class
        Address1 : String;
        City : String;
        State : String;

        TEmployee = class
        mAddress : TAddress;

        function GetAddress: TAddress;
        constructor Create;
        destructor Destroy; override;
        property Address : TAddress read GetAddress;

        { Employee }

        constructor TEmployee.Create;
        mAddress := TAddress.Create;

        destructor TEmployee.Destroy;

        function TEmployee.GetAddress: TAddress;
        Result := mAddress;
        ShowMessage(‘Address Qualified’);

        { TForm1 }

        procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
        lEmployee : TEmployee;
        lEmployee := TEmployee.Create;
        lEmployee.Address.Address1 := ‘123 ABC Street’;
        lEmployee.Address.City := ‘Adelaide’;
        lEmployee.Address.State := ‘South Australia’;

        procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
        lEmployee : TEmployee;
        lEmployee := TEmployee.Create;
        with lEmployee.Address do
        Address1 := ‘123 ABC Street’;
        City := ‘Adelaide’;
        State := ‘South Australia’;

        Calling Button1 Qualifies the Address getter 3 times, where calling Button2 only qualifies the Address getter once.

  12. A. Bouchez said

    to Jeroen:
    … so your final code won’t work with XP?

    The problem is not the “with” syntax here.

    This is how the API structure was converted.
    A dedicated NOTIFYICONDATAW2 or NOTIFYICONDATAW_EX record should have been defined.

    Or using a function like this:

    function PlatformSize(const IconData: NOTIFYICONDATAW): integer; inline;
    {$if CompilerVersion >= 20}
    result := IconData.SizeOf();
    result := SizeOf(IconData);
    {$ifend CompilerVersion >= 20}

    So in the end-user code:

    with FIconData do
    cbSize := PlatformSize(FIconData);
    Wnd := Self.Handle;
    uID := $DEDB;
    uFlags := NIF_MESSAGE or NIF_ICON or NIF_TIP;
    hIcon := Application.Icon.Handle;
    uCallbackMessage := WM_CAS400NTIcon;
    StrCopy(szTip, PChar(Caption));

    Thanks to the “inline;” keyword, it will compile just fine.
    And it will explicitly state that the size depends on the running platform.

    • jpluimers said

      I think my code still works in XP, assuming that older versions of Delphi have the older version of the structure.
      Please explain why you think otherwise.

      Since Microsoft hasn’t introduced different names for the different versions of the _NOTIFYICONDATAW structure, I can understand that the Delphi team didn’t either.

      Note that in stead of depending on the compiler version, the cbsize value should be filled with the minimum Windows platform you intend to support.

      • A. Bouchez said

        So you assume that the version of Windows you are using for coding is the one on which the application will run?

        This does not make sense, unless you are developing for yourself, and you are using Delphi 7 with Windows 2000.

        You need to adapt the size to the platform it runs on, not the compiler it is using.

        See official documentation:

        You can maintain application compatibility with all Shell32.dll versions while still using the current header files by setting the size of the NOTIFYICONDATA structure appropriately. Before you initialize the structure, use DllGetVersion to determine which Shell32.dll version is installed on the system and initialize cbSize with one of these values:
        Shell32.dll Version cbSize
        6.0.6 or higher (Windows Vista and later) sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA)
        6.0 (Windows XP) NOTIFYICONDATA_V3_SIZE
        5.0 (Windows 2000) NOTIFYICONDATA_V2_SIZE
        Versions lower than 5.0 NOTIFYICONDATA_V1_SIZE

  13. Ruurd Pels said

    Uhm, why blame the language or the compiler when the real problem is some idiot API change that breaks your code. I mean really. What flaming idiot makes this kind of changes in a struct expecting that a single compile will keep working over multiple versions of the API? Wrap the thing in a library for god sake.

    • jpluimers said

      Because not using with would reveal the underlying problem sooner.
      But I agree with you that API changes should be done with care. This one should have had a bit more care.

  14. I agree with you, which is why I really prefer the Oxygene “with” syntax. It has all of the benefits with none of the detriments.

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