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Delphi: A few notes on tracking down a use-after free related issue involving interfaces crashing inside System._IntfClear.

Posted by jpluimers on 2020/01/20

A few notes on tracking down a use-after free related issue involving interfaces.

The crash message is like this:

Project UseAfterFreeWithInterface.exe raised exception class $C0000005 with message 'access violation at 0x004106c0: read of address 0x80808088'.

Two things here:

An important note first

Basically any memory value in an exception starting with $8080 and sometimes even $80 should raise suspicion: it usually means a use-after-free case.

You see these errors with FastMM and not with the memory manager as [WayBack] delphi • View topic • Problem with FastMM and D7 explains:

Because FastMM4 fills freed memory with 808080... where the old memory 
manager just leaves it as it is. When the memory is left untouched, your 
program might work until the memory manager starts to use that memory again. 
So it is actually working on plain luck, and that is not good. One little 
change anywhere in your code might trigger strange results that will be very 
difficult for you to find, and now this new memory manager helps you with 
avoiding these problems.

Stack contents

Often the call to _IntfClear is in the tear-down of the method, right in the middle of the implicit compiler generated try…finally section.

At that moment, part of the stack is already gone, so usually you cannot see which method is actually in tear-down mode.

Especially for test case code, it is wise to manually clear all interface references before the end statement in the method.

This will still have the stack in tact, so when you get an access violation in _IntfClear, it is way easier to see what method called it.

Exception location

The exception happens right in the middle of the method System._IntfClear which has no documentation on nor on, but a few tiny bits on other embarcadero sites:

There is not much on other sites either; usually the entries involve questions on how to track back the cause (with very few hints), or why FastMM is involved (which I explained above).

A few of the most relevant links:

The System._IntfClear method is called a lot, not just during tear down of the application; in face any method having an interface local variable will implicitly call System._IntfClear (and is one of the reasons it is implemented in assembler):

[WayBack] DirectMusic -> Forum on Sourcebooks.Ru

The fact is that with pointers to the Delphi interface works in a special way. In particular, when exiting a block (procedures, functions, programs) for all local variables of this type, the system function _IntfClear is called. It checks the pointer given to it to nil and, if necessary, reduces the reference count. In your case, this is what happened. And it happened after DirectX and COM itself were unloaded from memory. This caused an error.

When we replace all calls to IInterface._Release by assigning nil (by the way, this also leads to an automatic call to _Release), then when exiting the block, _Release is not called on this pointer anymore, since it is zero. And all in the end it turns type-top.

Back to System._IntfClear (which you sometimes see in traces as System.@IntfClear or just System.IntfClear): the code below is how it looks in most Delphi versions, and it does only a few things:

  1. it gets a pointer to the memory location referring to the interface
  2. if non-nil, it:
    1. sets that memory location to nil, so a next call to System._IntfClear with itwill be very fast
    2. calls the _Release method on the interface (see [WayBack] IInterface Interface and [WayBack] IInterface._Release Method)
function _IntfClear(var Dest: IInterface): Pointer;
  P: Pointer;
  Result := @Dest;
  if Dest <> nil then
    P := Pointer(Dest);
    Pointer(Dest) := nil;
        MOV     EDX,[EAX]
        TEST    EDX,EDX
        JE      @@1
        MOV     DWORD PTR [EAX],0
        SUB     ESP, 4
        PUSH    EAX
        PUSH    EDX
        MOV     EAX,[EDX]
        CALL    DWORD PTR [EAX] + VMTOFFSET IInterface._Release
        POP     EAX
        ADD     ESP, 4

for which the disassembled Win32 version looks like this in almost any Delphi version:

004106AE 8BC0             mov eax,eax
System.pas.36501: MOV     EDX,[EAX]
004106B0 8B10             mov edx,[eax]
System.pas.36502: TEST    EDX,EDX
004106B2 85D2             test edx,edx
System.pas.36503: JE      @@1
004106B4 740E             jz $004106c4
System.pas.36504: MOV     DWORD PTR [EAX],0
004106B6 C70000000000     mov [eax],$00000000
System.pas.36508: PUSH    EAX
004106BC 50               push eax
System.pas.36509: PUSH    EDX
004106BD 52               push edx
System.pas.36510: MOV     EAX,[EDX]
004106BE 8B02             mov eax,[edx]
System.pas.36511: CALL    DWORD PTR [EAX] + VMTOFFSET IInterface._Release
004106C0 FF5008           call dword ptr [eax+$08]
System.pas.36512: POP     EAX
004106C3 58               pop eax
System.pas.36517: end;
004106C4 C3               ret 

Tracking the cause down

Tracking the cause down is hard. For one, memory is already hosed, so it is very hard to get any useful information. Another thing is that – even when the memory was not hosed – you cannot get the GUID from an interface reference:

The only relevant information is the Dest parameter to the System._Intf call. This is in the EDX register (EAX contains the offending value):

EAX: 80808080
EDX: 71B26D94

The EDX will likely change on every offending call, so you need to find a pattern to enable a breakpoint at (in my case) memory location 004106C0 which is for the line


You can either make this a conditional breakpoint (breaking on EAX = $80808088) or a grouped breakpoint that is by default disabled, but enables under certain conditions.

The former is very slow. The latter is much faster, but harder to do and involves finding the context. To get the context, it helps to is look up to the stack trace and find a pattern or a code path leading to the exception which in my case looks like this:

:004106c0 @IntfClear + $10
:0040a4c4 @BeforeDestruction + $C
:004106c3 @IntfClear + $13

You can enrich context by setting logging breakpoints with the “Eval expression” IntToHex(Integer(Pointer(Self)), 8) + ' in Method with class ' +Self.QualifiedClassName at these methods (replace Method with the actual method name):

  • function TInterfacedObject._AddRef: Integer; at the line Result := AtomicIncrement(FRefCount);
  • function TInterfacedObject._Release: Integer; at the line __MarkDestroying(Self);
  • procedure TInterfacedObject.BeforeDestruction; at the line if RefCount <> 0 then
  • procedure TObject.Free; at the line if Self <> nil then
  • procedure _ClassDestroy(const Instance: TObject); at the line Instance.FreeInstance; (and use Instance instead of Self)
  • destructor TObject.Destroy; at the line end;
  • zzz at the line zzz
  • zzz at the line zzz

In  my case, I did also add them in descending methods of

  • System.Generics.Collections.TObjectList<T: class> method procedure TObjectList<T>.Notify(const Value: T; Action: TCollectionNotification); at any line.
  • System.Generics.Collections.TObjectDictionary<TKey,TValue> method procedure TObjectDictionary<TKey,TValue>.ValueNotify(const Value: TValue; Action: TCollectionNotification); at any line

For both methods, I also set the condition Action = cnRemoved so it would only fire when removing objects.

Put all of these in a breakpoint group that gets enabled close to where you think the problem starts.

Keep zooming in, and fingers crossed it is not a heisenbug.

In my case, the dictionary was of type <TClass, TInstanceList> where the hash code of the class influenced the bucket order.

Sometimes the order caused the problems to appear, at other times everything was dandy.

_AddRef and _Release in TInterfacedObject


Supports and _SafeIntfAsClass

Sometimes similar access violations happen inside the System.Supports method (see [WayBack] Object Interfaces).

Usually setting breakpoints with these conditions reveal them before they actually happen:

  • PPointer(Instance)^ = Pointer($80808080)
  • PCardinal(Instance)^ = $80808080
  • PCardinal(Instance)^ and $FFFFFF80 = $80808080

The first two have identical effect, but only break when the interface points to an object at $80808080. This is not always the case, but usually the pointer is like $808080XX so the and expression masks for exactly that pattern.

Target methods for the above breakpoints:

  • function Supports(const Instance: IInterface; const IID: TGUID; out Intf): Boolean;
  • function Supports(const Instance: TObject; const IID: TGUID; out Intf): Boolean;

Similarly, you can do this in the _SafeIntfAsClass method that gets called when casting an interface to TObject (like if MyInterface is TObject) through _IntfIsClass.

Inside the breakpoint condition, change Instance to Intf as the method has a different signature:

function _SafeIntfAsClass(const Intf: IInterface; Parent: TClass): TObject;
  if (Intf <> nil) and (Intf.QueryInterface(ObjCastGUID, Pointer(Result)) = S_OK) and (Result is Parent) then
  Result := nil;


Delphi: when calling TThread.Synchronize, ensure the synchronised method handles exceptions


8 Responses to “Delphi: A few notes on tracking down a use-after free related issue involving interfaces crashing inside System._IntfClear.”

  1. Stefan Glienke said

    TL’DR – use CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces with FastMM4.

    • jpluimers said

      That did not work because those interfaces still had references to them.

      The actual cause here was mixing interface and class references, combined with implicit “friends” where code in the same unit can access non-strict marked storage.

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