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Jeroen W. Pluimers on .NET, C#, Delphi, databases, and personal interests

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Bruce Tate on Twitter: “What’s the most unique feature of your favorite programming language?”

Posted by jpluimers on 2023/08/24

For my link archive: [Wayback/Archive] Bruce Tate on Twitter: “What’s the most unique feature of your favorite programming language?” / Twitter

From the languages that I have been using most:

It was a kind of follow-up on his earlier tweet that also sparked nice responses at [Archive] Bruce Tate on Twitter: “What is a #programming technique or construct that other people like but you think is overused?” / Twitter.

In my respons I phrased my decades long pet peeve [Archive] Jeroen Wiert Pluimers on Twitter: “@redrapids OOP: inheritance over composition. This leads to deep hierarchies that eventually nobody understands.” / Twitter.

Whereas with OOP (object-oriented programming) one should use composition over inheritance, often the reverse is true.

Actually my take can be generalised into two directions as these hierarchies:

  1. often crowd a single namespace, so: crowding namespaces is bad.
    One does see this outside the Object Oriented realm a well.
  2. often have many levels of indirection, so: overdoing indirection is bad
    One does see this outside the Object Oriented realm a well, just not as pronounced.


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