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*nix networking – lsof: How to tell what process has a specific port open on Linux (via: Server Fault)

Posted by jpluimers on 2014/01/10

I usually used netstat with some grep filter for this, but Brandon Titus showed at StackOverflow that the lsof command is much easier to use:

lsof command should be able to do this just fine. Just use this:

lsof -i :<port_number>
lsof -i udp:<port_number>
lsof -i tcp:<port_number>

and all of the processes should come up.

The lsof commands work on SUSE, Max OS X, CygWin and many other environments.

(update 20160304: added more arguments and links)

Two other commands I use often:

netstat -tulpn | sort

(for connected and listening tcp/udp ports it shows processes and port numbers; see the netstat parameters for more details, note that -u includes udp and -l adds listening sockets)

rpcinfo -p ; rpcinfo -s

(shows the ports used by rpcbind)

Note that one day I’ll learn the iproute2 equivalents (many of which have non descriptive 2 letter names like ip, iw, ss, tc, maybe because iproute2), but as OS X still doesn’t have iproute2, I’m hesitating. Anyway, that day:



One Response to “*nix networking – lsof: How to tell what process has a specific port open on Linux (via: Server Fault)”

  1. […] friday I updated the examples at *nix networking – lsof: How to tell what process has a specific port open on Linux (via: Server Fa… as I needed to document some of the machines around here (so it becomes easier replacing […]

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