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Delphi still doesn’t raise overflow exception on Int64 multiplication…

Posted by jpluimers on 2018/06/28

Thanks to Stefan Glienke for pointing me at the below patch for [WayBack] Why doesn’t raise overflow exception on multiplication example or how to detect in this case?{$RANGECHECKS ON} {$OVERFLOWCHECKS ON}varvalue: Int64;… – Rafael Dipold – Google+.

It’s basically an issue in __llmulo that has been documented but not solved since “forever”:

some people “some while ago” reported this and even posted a solution: [WayBack]

And there it is again: [WayBack]

And most recently:

FWIW here is a runtime patch that corrects this (using the version posted in QC#119146):

The bug tracking of the Delphi team is so bad, that some of the reports actually mark this issue “As Designed” like in [WayBack]

The below patch requires rights to call [WayBack] WriteProcessMemory as documented in [WayBack] How to Read and Write Other Process Memory.


Patch at [WayBack]

unit PatchInt64Multiplication;
{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS) and not Defined(CPUX64)}
function GetActualAddr(Proc: Pointer): Pointer;
PAbsoluteIndirectJmp = ^TAbsoluteIndirectJmp;
TAbsoluteIndirectJmp = packed record
OpCode: Word;
Addr: PPointer;
Result := Proc;
if (Proc <> nil) and (PAbsoluteIndirectJmp(Proc).OpCode = $25FF) then
Result := PAbsoluteIndirectJmp(Proc).Addr^;
procedure RedirectFunction(OrgProc, NewProc: Pointer);
TJmpBuffer = packed record
Jmp: Byte;
Offset: Integer;
JmpBuffer: TJmpBuffer;
JmpBuffer.Jmp := $E9;
JmpBuffer.Offset := PByte(NewProc) – (PByte(OrgProc) + 5);
if not WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, OrgProc, @JmpBuffer, SizeOf(JmpBuffer), n) then
procedure __llmulo_patch;
test edx, edx {Param1-Hi = 0?}
jne @@Large {No, More than one multiply may be needed}
cmp edx, [esp+8] {Param2-Hi = 0?}
jne @@Large {No, More than one multiply may be needed}
mul dword ptr [esp+4] {Only one multiply needed, Set Result}
and eax, eax {Clear Overflow Flag}
ret 8
sub esp, 28 {allocate local storage}
mov [esp], ebx {save used registers}
mov [esp+4], esi
mov [esp+8], edi
mov [esp+12], ebp
mov ebx, [esp+32] {Param2-Lo}
mov ecx, [esp+36] {Param2-Hi}
mov esi, edx
mov edi, ecx
sar esi, 31
sar edi, 31
xor eax, esi
xor edx, esi
sub eax, esi
sbb edx, esi {edx:eax (a1:a0) = abs(Param1)}
xor ebx, edi
xor ecx, edi
sub ebx, edi
sbb ecx, edi {ecx:ebx (b1:b0) = abs(Param2)}
xor esi, edi {Sign Flag, 0 if Params have same sign else -1}
mov [esp+16], eax {a0}
mov [esp+20], edx {a1}
mov [esp+24], ecx {b1}
mul ebx {edx:eax (c1:c0) = a0*b0}
xchg ebx, edx {ebx = c1, edx = b0}
mov edi, eax {abs(Result-Lo) = c0}
xor ecx, ecx {Upper 32 bits of 128 bit result}
xor ebp, ebp {Second 32 bits of 128 bit result}
mov eax, [esp+20] {a1}
mul edx {edx:eax (d1:d0) = a1*b0}
add ebx, eax {c1 + d0}
adc ebp, edx {d1 + carry}
adc ecx, 0 {Possible carry into Upper 32 bits}
mov eax, [esp+16] {a0}
mov edx, [esp+24] {b1}
mul edx {edx:eax (e1:e0) = a0*b1}
add ebx, eax {abs(Result-Hi) = c1 + d0 + e0}
adc ebp, edx {d1 + e1 + carry}
adc ecx, 0 {Possible carry into Upper 32 bits}
mov eax, [esp+20] {a1}
mov edx, [esp+24] {b1}
mul edx {edx:eax (f1:f0) = a1*b1}
add ebp, eax {d1 + e1 + f0 + carry}
adc ecx, edx {f1 + carry}
or ecx, ebp {Overflow if ecx <> 0 or ebp <> 0}
jnz @@Overflow
mov edx, ebx {Set abs(Result-Hi)}
mov eax, edi {Set abs(Result-Lo)}
cmp edx, $80000000
jae @@CheckRange {Possible Overflow if edx>=$80000000}
xor eax, esi {Correct Sign of Result}
xor edx, esi
sub eax, esi
sbb edx, esi
mov ebx, [esp] {restore used registers}
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov edi, [esp+8]
mov ebp, [esp+12]
add esp, 28 {Clears Overflow flag}
ret 8
jne @@Overflow {Overflow if edx>$80000000}
test esi, esi {edx=$80000000, Is Sign Flag=0?}
jnz @@SetSign {No, Result is Ok (-MaxInt64)}
mov ebx, [esp] {restore used registers}
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov edi, [esp+8]
mov ebp, [esp+12]
add esp, 28
mov ecx, $80000000
dec ecx {Set Overflow Flag}
ret 8
function GetSystem__llmulo: Pointer;
mov eax,offset System.@_llmulo
procedure PatchIt;
RedirectFunction(GetActualAddr(GetSystem__llmulo), @__llmulo_patch);




3 Responses to “Delphi still doesn’t raise overflow exception on Int64 multiplication…”

  1. rvelthuis said

    As others said, it was fixed. I reported and I checked it regularly. It is fixed.

  2. Marco Cantu said

    As indicates it was fixed in 10.2 Tokyo

  3. HeartWare said

    It sems to have been fixed in 10.2.3

    I : Int64;

    I:=Int64.MaxValue; I:=I*2;

    produces an integer overflow exception…

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