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Walls and Ladders when pasting e-mail on account sign-up forms: Paste It – Chrome Web Store

Posted by jpluimers on 2024/02/06

In a game of Walls and Ladders (similar to Arms Race), the Ladders usually win, see the references at the end of the post.

The actual “game” in this case is more and more sites trying to build walls prevent pasting credential related information like user IDs (often e-mail addresses) or passwords often citing “more safety” or “less security risks”, and users get taller ladders wanting to do just that because of their own security concerns:

[Wayback/Archive] Stef 🎈 on Twitter: “Dear mobile/web-apps, please never never disable copy and paste “due to security reasons”. -everybody with a password manager.”

The walls will always loose so it is better to invest the money for the walls into other security measures.

Given that most of the risks are web-sites getting that information exfiltrated, I wish they put more energy into bolting down that side of the security risk side than the hampering legitimate users entering that information in the first place.

Since so many of these sites have leaked my information in the past, any email address I use for activating an account is like 50 characters long. Something I am not going to type once (because of typing mistakes) and definitely not twice (to confirm I did not make typing mistakes).

In the past, disabling JavaScript for a site would work around this problem, and sometimes it still works as I wrote in Dutch on twitter at [Wayback/Archive] Jeroen Wiert Pluimers on Twitter: “De blokkade van @KruidvatService tegen plakken van email adressen op is makkelijk te omzeilen…”

De blokkade van @KruidvatService tegen plakken van email adressen op is makkelijk te omzeilen:

  1. JavaScript uitzetten
  2. email plakken
  3. JavaScript aanzetten
  4. “account aanmaken” klikken
  5. rode velden spatie erbij en meteen spatie weg
  6. stap 4.

However, nowadays most sites depend so much on JavaScript that this usually is not a viable alternative any more.

So hello to many browser extensions that help you workaround the copy/paste prevention, and no thanks to these web-sites making copy/paste harder as it costs three parties time, energy and frustration:

  • end-users trying to enter their data
  • browser extension developers enabling those users to easily enter that data
  • web-site builders making it harder to enter that data

One of those extensions is [Wayback/Archive] Paste It – Chrome Web Store:

Paste text from a toolbar button, context menu or keyboard shortcut
Often typing your email address on websites? Let Paste It do it for you, or any other text that you use frequently.

Right-click the icon and select Options to set your text and toggle any of three handy ways to paste:

  • Click the ‘Paste It’ toolbar button.
  • Use a keyboard shortcut (Alt+V by default, fully configurable)
  • Right-click to paste from the context menu.

You can also set alternate paste text for up to 5 different shortcuts.

It adequately helped me creating a new LIDL account [Wayback/Archive] Jeroen Wiert Pluimers on Twitter: “@arjankoole @Stef_van_Dop @LidlNederland @KruidvatService For Dutch LIDL, the workaround in Chrome is this: 1. install Paste It extension from … 2. configure a paste text (like “”) 3. right-click each e-mail field, paste “”, add one character, then delete it “:

  1. [Wayback/Archive] Paste It – Chrome Web Store
  2. Step 2. configure a paste field (example
  3. Step 3. in each e-mail field, paste "" using the right mouse button menu, then add a character
  4. Step 3. halfway: "" pasted using the right mouse button and a character added
  5. Step 3. finished: "" pasted using the right mouse button and a character added, then that character removed



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