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Keyboards, logo keys CUA and a some more history…

Posted by jpluimers on 2015/04/06

My response to the comments in Cut and Paste Files & Folders in Mac OS X got a bit took long. So here is it in an article:

Indeed. CUA. The days (:
I’ll write more about CUA in the future (there is some CUA stuff from the past) as it defines a lot of modern UI and user experience.

In fact the history of Ctrl-C and Command-C goes back until before System 1 (the OS for the first Macintosh) which indeed had the Open Apple Key shortcuts, but didn’t introduce them.

The Command Key was introduced in the Apple III and became more popular in the Apple //e and //c (I own both) where AppleWorks was already using these shortcuts in 1986.

It is funny to notice that Apple keyboards lost their logo keys but Windows keyboards gained them.

Some Apple keyboard pr0n can be found on Wikipedia.


One Response to “Keyboards, logo keys CUA and a some more history…”

  1. […] I mentioned CUA a few times before, but since an old client of mine managed to throw away their paper originals in a “we don’t need that old stuff any more as we are now all digital” frenzy, I wanted to locate some PDFs. And I promised to write more about CUA. […]

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