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Steps for adjusting a whiteboard photo in Gimp

Posted by jpluimers on 2015/12/28

A long time ago, I wrote about Steps for adjusting a whiteboard photo in Paint.NET.

GIMP does an even better job with these steps:

Once: install the clean-whiteboard-photo script

  1. Visit
  2. Click “raw”
  3. Hit “Ctrl-S” to save the file as file-type “*.txt” and file-name  “%temp%\clean-whiteboard-photo_scm.txt”
  4. Go to the folder “%temp%”
  5. In there,
    1. select the firle  “clean-whiteboard-photo_scm.txt”,
    2. change it into  “clean-whiteboard-photo.scm”,
    3. copy the file
  6. Go to the folder  “C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts”
  7. Paste the file (you need to confirm Administrator rights through UAC)

The above steps will add this menu option to GIMP: menu “Filters” -> “Whiteboard” -> “Clean whiteboard photo”

For every picture: make it less ugly

  1. Start GIMP 2
  2. Open the picture
  3. With the “Rectangle Select” Tool (R), select the area of the whiteboard that you want to enhance
    1. If the area is not completely rectangular, make the selection large enough to cover everything needed in the final picture
  4. Only when the selection needs adjustment to make it rectangular:
    1. Choose the “Perspective” Tool (Shift-P)
    2. Drag the incorrect corners until the selection is rectangular
    3. In the “Perspective” tool window, click “Transform” to confirm
    4. The selection now is not rectangular any more, so deselect everything:
      1. In the menu, choose “Select” -> “None” (Shift-Ctrl-A)
  5. With the “Rectangle Select” Tool (R), select the area of the whiteboard that you want to enhance
  6. In the menu, choose “Image” -> “Fit canvas to selection”
  7. In the menu, choose “Filters” -> “Whiteboard” -> “Clean whiteboard photo”
  8. Click next to the selection to confirm the cleanup
  9. In the menu, choose “File” -> “Export”
    1. Save the file under a new name (often a PNG extension will give better compression than JPEG, and has less artifacts as well)


via: Steps for adjusting a whiteboard photo in Paint.NET « The Wiert Corner – irregular stream of stuff.

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