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Archive for the ‘Encryption’ Category

Avoid writing the deep security layers of your software yourself, as it is hard, even for seasoned security software developers (see CVE-2021-41117 | GitHub Security Lab)

Posted by jpluimers on 2022/09/08

I’ve mentioned this in the past, but not sure I did that on my blog yet, so here it goes:

Avoid writing the deep security layers of your software yourself, as it is hard, even for seasoned security software developers.

Push as much as you can to well tested external libraries.

See for instance [Wayback/] GHSL-2021-1012: Poor random number generation in keypair – CVE-2021-41117 | GitHub Security Lab

Three went wrong, leading to easy to guess RSA security keys:

  1. The library has an insecure random number fallback path. Ideally the library would require a strong CSPRNG instead of attempting to use a LCG and Math.random.
  2. The library does not correctly use a strong random number generator when run in NodeJS, even though a strong CSPRNG is available.
  3. The fallback path has an issue in the implementation where a majority of the seed data is going to effectively be zero.

The most important thing that went wrong was seeding the random number generator, cascading



Posted in Development, Encryption, Hashing, Power User, Security, Software Development | Leave a Comment »

OWASP WebGoat repositories: Deliberately insecure JavaEE application to teach application security

Posted by jpluimers on 2022/08/02

Last year in OWASP top rated security “feature” A01:2021 – Broken Access Control, I promised to write more about how learn about OWASP documented and rated security vulnerabilities.

Today is the day you should start learning from [Wayback/] Github: OWASP WebGoat:

Deliberately insecure JavaEE application to teach application security

It is a Java backend with a JavaScript/HTML frontend, but the vulnerabilities just as easily apply to other back-end stacks.


  1. [Wayback/] WebGoat/WebGoat: WebGoat is a deliberately insecure application

    WebGoat is a deliberately insecure web application maintained by OWASP designed to teach web application security lessons.

    This program is a demonstration of common server-side application flaws. The exercises are intended to be used by people to learn about application security and penetration testing techniques.

    WARNING 1: While running this program your machine will be extremely vulnerable to attack. You should disconnect from the Internet while using this program. WebGoat’s default configuration binds to localhost to minimize the exposure.

    WARNING 2: This program is for educational purposes only. If you attempt these techniques without authorization, you are very likely to get caught. If you are caught engaging in unauthorized hacking, most companies will fire you. Claiming that you were doing security research will not work as that is the first thing that all hackers claim.

  2. [Wayback/] WebGoat/WebGoat-Lessons: 7.x – The WebGoat STABLE lessons supplied by the WebGoat team.

    This repository contains all the lessons for the WebGoat container. Every lesson is packaged as a separate jar file which can be placed into a running WebGoat server.

  3. [Wayback/] WebGoat/WebWolf (Can’t have a goat without a wolf, but I wonder where the cabbage is)
  4. [Wayback/] WebGoat/WebGoat-Legacy: Legacy WebGoat 6.0 – Deliberately insecure JavaEE application
    This is the WebGoat Legacy version which is essentially the WebGoat 5 with a new UI.
    This program is a demonstration of common server-side application flaws. The exercises are intended to be used by people to learn about application penetration testing techniques.
  5. [Wayback/] WebGoat/WebGoat-Archived-Releases: WebGoat 5.4 releases and older

    WebGoat 5.4 releases and older

  6. [Wayback/] WebGoat/groovygoat: POC for dynamic groovy/thymeleaf based lesson system

    POC to demonstrate dynamic lessons with groovy controller/thymeleaf templates

They are by OWASP:

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an online community that produces freely-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies in the field of web application security.[4][5]The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) provides free and open resources. It is led by a non-profit called The OWASP Foundation. The OWASP Top 10 – 2021 is the published result of recent research based on comprehensive data compiled from over 40 partner organizations.

Very important is the [Wayback/] OWASP Top Ten Web Application Security Risks | OWASP:

The OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications.

Globally recognized by developers as the first step towards more secure coding.

Companies should adopt this document and start the process of ensuring that their web applications minimize these risks. Using the OWASP Top 10 is perhaps the most effective first step towards changing the software development culture within your organization into one that produces more secure code.
Changes in the OWASP Top 10 between 2017 and 2021:

More OWASP repositories (including the [Wayback/] OWASP/Top10: Official OWASP Top 10 Document Repository and [Wayback/] OWASP/www-project-top-ten: OWASP Foundation Web Respository which seem to be at a 4-year update interval got updated in 2021) are at [Wayback/] Github: OWASP.

Related: [] Jeroen Wiert Pluimers on Twitter: “This so much sounds like German government IT-projects: …”



Posted in Authentication, CSS, Development, Encryption, HTML, Java Platform, JavaScript/ECMAScript, Pen Testing, Scripting, Security, Software Development, Web Development | Leave a Comment »

HTTPS Is Actually Everywhere | Electronic Frontier Foundation (so HTTPS everywhere will sunset January 2023)

Posted by jpluimers on 2022/07/08

I missed this announcement: [Wayback/Archive] HTTPS Is Actually Everywhere | Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Though in practice there still are a few sites not having HTTPS (usually old blogs, sometimes old forums too), almost all have (thanks Let’s Encrypt!) and many not even support HTTP any more.

So the HTTPS Extension in Google Chrome recently pointed me to [Wayback/Archive] Set Up HTTPS by Default in Your Browser | Electronic Frontier Foundation, which pointed me to the above post, which taugt me that most browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Safari) by now have an HTTPS-only mode which you can enable by hand or sometimes is just the only way.

Cool, I love progress!


Posted in Encryption, HTTPS/TLS security, Let's Encrypt (letsencrypt/certbot), Power User, Security | Leave a Comment »

CyberChef: The Cyber Swiss Army Knife – a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.

Posted by jpluimers on 2022/06/23

[Wayback/] CyberChef:

a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of “cyber” operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR or Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.

Source code at [Wayback/] gchq/CyberChef: The Cyber Swiss Army Knife – a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.

Via [] Jilles🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter: “Hidden in plain sight. Rot13 cross word. Hidden Barcodes. Qr codes. Barely any InfoSec skill required. Still a hand full. Usually my to go place is: Cyberchef. I did a fun one for cyberklaas using ansi art.… “

Jilles also pointed to the solving part in [] Jilles🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter: “See also, for solving: SCWF… “

The [Wayback/] Solve Crypto with Force! needs to run without most script blockers, so best run it in an anonymous/private browser window.

Source code for SCWF is at [Wayback/] DaWouw/SCWF: CTF tool for identifying, brute forcing and decoding encryption schemes in an automated way.

Screen shot of Cyberchef example “Perform AES decryption, extracting the IV from the beginning of the cipher stream” []:

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Cyberchef, Development, Encoding, Encryption, Hashing, Power User, Security, Software Development | Leave a Comment »

Setting up a GitLab project so it is served over https as a and a custom subdomain

Posted by jpluimers on 2022/05/05

Last week, I posted about Setting up a GitHub project so it is served over https as a custom subdomain.

Today it’s the equivalent, but on GitLab.

Why GitLab? Two major reasons: unlike GitHub:

  1. it’s open source
  2. provides way more granular control over permissions
  3. allows a hierarchy of repositories on which you can specify that permission control

Already 2. and 3. combined are a huge advantage, though we will see that 3. also makes some of the subcases (hosting as from account where user is your username) is harder than the similar, combo.

So here we go, starting with a similar set of links:

The goal is to have

  1. page projects as or under (like
  2. a plain html (or maybe markdown) page project that eventually will show some status information (kind of like, but for different things).

The beauty of GitLab is that it supports hierarchies of repositories through groups and subgroups, so I already had these subgroups hoping they would cover both the first and second kind of page projects:

Steps I did

Since there are quite a few links above, here are the steps I took from my account and group.

Steps for

  1. For, try A (failed in part, and therefore interesting to understand why):
    1. Under leaf group, created a new GitLab repository
    2. Chose “Create from template”
    3. Chose the template “Pages/Plain HTML”
    4. Named the project “wiert” (with slug “wiert“) so it would appear at
    5. From the left sidebar, navigated to your project’s “CI/CD”, then “Pipelines”
    6. Now I got in a confusing situation as the page indicated “There are currently no pipelines.”, but an enabled blue “Run pipeline” button:
      By default there is no CI/CD pipeline, but there is an enabled blue "Run pipeline" button: confusing.

      By default there is no CI/CD pipeline, but there is an enabled blue “Run pipeline” button: confusing.

    7. Clicked the “Run pipeline” button nonetheless, and that created [Wayback/] a pipeline asking for parameters (that already had correct default values) and revealed a new blue “Run pipeline” button.
    8. Clicked that new “Run pipeline button” which created [Wayback/] a job and deployed the page.
    9. From the left sidebar, navigated to “Settings”, then “Pages” to get the links to the pages site: and
       Warning: When using Pages under the general domain of a GitLab instance (, you cannot use HTTPS with sub-subdomains.

      Warning: When using Pages under the general domain of a GitLab instance (, you cannot use HTTPS with sub-subdomains.

      The sites do work (see the [ http version] and [ https version]), but the HTTPS fails because does not match the SANs (Subject Alternative Names) in the certificate: *,

  2. For, try B (failed, and therefore interesting to understand why):
    1. In my my groups, added a new group wiert
    2. Added subgroups until the leaf which as URL is because user account wiert already occupies
    3. Under leaf group, created a new GitLab repository
    4. Chose “Create from template”
    5. Chose the template “Pages/Plain HTML”
    6. Named the project “wiert” (with slug “wiert“) so it would appear at
    7. From the left sidebar, navigated to your project’s “CI/CD”, then “Pipelines”
    8. Again there was “There are currently no pipelines.”, but an enabled blue “Run pipeline” button, which I clicked
    9. That created [Wayback/] a pipeline asking for parameters (that already had correct default values) and revealed a new blue “Run pipeline” button.
    10. Clicked that new “Run pipeline button” which created [Wayback/] a job deployed the page.
    11. From the left sidebar, navigated to “Settings”, then “Pages” to get the links to the pages site: and
      Bummer: again not the I hoped for
      The sites do work (see the [ http version] and [ https version]). The HTTP does not redirect to the HTTP version, as I did not tick the

      ☐ Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)

    12. If a user wiert exists and occupies, then a group named wiert cannot occupy, and therefore a project named wiert within that group won’t be deployed to
      Maybe this can be shortened like “if there is a user wiert, then no group named wiert cannot be used to contain a project named wiert to host as“.
      Let’s find out!
  3. For, try C (success, steps 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8 were the key ones):
    1. In my user, created a new GitLab repository
    2. Chose “Create from template”
    3. Chose the template “Pages/Plain HTML”
    4. Named the project “wiert” (with slug “wiert“) so it would appear at
    5. The odd but cool thing is that the actual project now ended up at
    6. From the left sidebar, navigated to your project’s “CI/CD”, then “Pipelines”
    7. Again there was “There are currently no pipelines.”, but an enabled blue “Run pipeline” button, which I clicked
    8. That created [Wayback/] a pipeline asking for parameters (that already had correct default values) and revealed a new blue “Run pipeline” button.
    9. Clicked that new “Run pipeline button” which created [Wayback/] a job deployed the page.
    10. From the left sidebar, navigated to “Settings”, then “Pages” to get the links to the pages site: and
      Success: finally the I hoped for:

      Success: published at

      Success: published at

      The sites do work fine (see the [ http version] and [ https version]). The HTTP does not redirect to the HTTP version, as I did not tick the

      ☐ Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)

Steps for

  1. For, try A (failed, and therefore interesting to understand why):
    1. Under leaf group, created a new GitLab repository
    2. Chose “Create from template”
    3. Chose the template “Pages/Plain HTML”
    4. Named the project “” (with slug ““) so it would appear at
    5. From the left sidebar, navigated to your project’s “CI/CD”, then “Pipelines”
    6. Again there was “There are currently no pipelines.”, but an enabled blue “Run pipeline” button, which I clicked
    7. That created [Wayback/] a pipeline asking for parameters (that already had correct default values) and revealed a new blue “Run pipeline” button.
    8. Clicked that new “Run pipeline button” which created [Wayback/] a job deployed the page.
    9. From the left sidebar, navigated to “Settings”, then “Pages” to get the links to the pages site: and
      Failure: not the I hoped for.

      The sites do work (see the [ http version] and [ https version]), but the HTTPS fails because does not match the SANs (Subject Alternative Names) in the certificate: *, The HTTP does not redirect to the HTTP version, as I did not tick the

      ☐ Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)

  2. For, try B (failed, and therefore interesting to understand why):
    1. Under leaf group, created a new GitLab repository
    2. Chose “Create from template”
    3. Chose the template “Pages/Plain HTML”
    4. Named the project “” (with slug ““) so it would appear at
    5. From the left sidebar, navigated to your project’s “CI/CD”, then “Pipelines”
    6. Again there was “There are currently no pipelines.”, but an enabled blue “Run pipeline” button, which I clicked
    7. That created [Wayback/] a pipeline asking for parameters (that already had correct default values) and revealed a new blue “Run pipeline” button.
    8. Clicked that new “Run pipeline button” which created [Wayback/] a job deployed the page.
    9. From the left sidebar, navigated to “Settings”, then “Pages” to get the links to the pages site: and
      Bummer: again not the I hoped for
      The sites do work (see the [ http version] and [ https version]). The HTTP does not redirect to the HTTP version, as I did not tick the

      ☐ Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)

    10. Try A and B were almost identical to try A and B, so let’s see if the solution C for that also works for us:
  3. For, try C (success, steps 1, 3, 4, 7 and 9 were the key ones)
    1. In my user, created a new GitLab repository
    2. Chose “Create from template”
    3. Chose the template “Pages/Plain HTML”
    4. Named the project “” (with slug ““) so it would appear at
    5. From the left sidebar, navigated to your project’s “CI/CD”, then “Pipelines”
    6. Again there was “There are currently no pipelines.”, but an enabled blue “Run pipeline” button, which I clicked
    7. That created [Wayback/] a pipeline asking for parameters (that already had correct default values) and revealed a new blue “Run pipeline” button.
    8. Clicked that new “Run pipeline button” which created [Wayback/] a job deployed the page.
    9. From the left sidebar, navigated to “Settings”, then “Pages” to get the links to the pages site: and
      Success: finally the I hoped for with working sites (see the [ http version] and [ https version]).
    10. Note the HTTP does not redirect to the HTTP version, as I did not tick the

      ☐ Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)

Steps for

Having learned from the GitHub procedure (where I had to wait a long time for the default * domain mapping timeout and the DNS CNAME record to become effective), I started on the DNS CNAME record side which is documented at [Wayback] Custom domains and SSL/TLS certificates: Section 3. Set up DNS records for Pages: For subdomains | GitLab:

Subdomains ( require:

  • A DNS CNAME record pointing your subdomain to the Pages server.
  • A DNS TXT record to verify your domain’s ownership.
From DNS Record To CNAME TXT gitlab-pages-verification-code=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff

Note that, whether it’s a user or a project website, the CNAME should point to your Pages domain (, without any /project-name.

DNS CNAME record pointing to project

The value for the TXT record is only known after you created the pages project, but the value for the CNAME record is known beforehand:

From DNS Record To CNAME

So let’s see if I can do this in one try, with these steps:

  1. For, try A (success, steps 1, 3, 4, 7 and 9 were the key ones)
    1. In my DNS settings of the domain, created a CNAME record from to CNAME record pointing to CNAME record pointing to

    2. Under leaf group, created a new GitLab repository
    3. Chose “Create from template”
    4. Chose the template “Pages/Plain HTML”
    5. Named the project “” (with slug ““) so it would appear at
    6. From the left sidebar, navigated to your project’s “CI/CD”, then “Pipelines”
    7. Again there was “There are currently no pipelines.”, but an enabled blue “Run pipeline” button, which I clicked
    8. That created [Wayback/] a pipeline asking for parameters (that already had correct default values) and revealed a new blue “Run pipeline” button.
    9. Clicked that new “Run pipeline button” which created [Wayback/] a job deployed the page.
    10. From the left sidebar, navigated to “Settings”, then “Pages” to get the links to the pages site: and
      Intermediate success: working sites (see the [ http version] and [ https version]).
    11. Now it is time to get the DNS CNAME record from to into operation by clicking the “New Domain” button:
      "New Domain" button in the "Pages" settings.

      “New Domain” button in the “Pages” settings.

    12. There I filled in the correct domain name, then pressed the “Create New Domain” button:

      New domain becomes

      New domain becomes

    13. Then a page appeared voiding the DNS CNAME work I already did: the documentation is clearly wrong as these are the two DNS record entries to be made as shown by
      Correct instructions for the DNS records to get working

      Correct instructions for the DNS records to get working

      Subdomains ( require:

      • A DNS CNAME record pointing your subdomain to the Pages server.
      • A DNS TXT record to verify your domain’s ownership.
      From DNS Record To CNAME TXT gitlab-pages-verification-code=c5619988d386b1a36c253ce05db55dbb

      Basically the whole part of the documentation is a placeholder for the actual namespace that belongs to the leaf group the pages project is in (in my case

      So this is the new DNS entry, for which I had to wait until the DNS TTL to time out and effectuate:
      New DNS CNAME record pointing to

      New DNS CNAME record pointing to

      Note that this DNS administrative interface from does omit the final period of the CNAME destination (officially this would be

    14. After the CNAME DNS record, I also made the TXT DNS record:
      New DNS TXT record for verification of

      New DNS TXT record for verification of

      Then I waited a little for the DNS TXT record to be saved and try the verification of the TXT record.

    15. Even then, verification took some time. I had to click the refresh button a few times before verification succeeded:
      The DNS TXT record for finally got verified

      The DNS TXT record for finally got verified

    16. Now I could press blue “Save Changes” button below and waited for the CNAME record DNS TTL to expire so I could check the domain and – hopefully – the TLS certificate to be requested by Let’s Encrypt:
      After the gitlabstatus.wiert DNS TXT record got verified, I could save the domain information

      After the gitlabstatus.wiert DNS TXT record got verified, I could save the domain information

    17. After the old CNAME record DNS TTL expired and the new CNAME record came into effect, the domain became available as
      Waiting for to become active

      Waiting for to become active

    18. After verification, the “Domains (1)” bit changed from this:
      Domain information before verification

      Domain information before verification

      to this:

      Domain information after verification

      Domain information after verification

    19. In the mean time, also the TLS certificate got issued by Let’s Encrypt, so the final sites now both worked: and
    20. Success: finally the I hoped for with working sites (see the [ http version] and [ https version] for the domain, and [ http version] and [ https version] for the domain).
    21. Note the HTTP does not redirect to the HTTP version, as I did not tick the

      ☐ Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)

In retrospect, this could have been shorter when I had done the DNS part later, which is contrary to how to do this with GitHub.


The conclusion seems this:

Gitlab Page repositories to be published as or under need to reside directly under user wiert. Having them reside under a different group like wiert or won’t work.

Or in more generic terms:

When creating pages as you have to put your pages projects directly under your user account

Putting them under groups or leaf groups fails, no matter if the (leaf) group is named user or otherwise.

In addition, you can add custom domains to any Gitlab repository (even one that never stated out as a GitLab Pages repository). It will work as soon as the domain DNS mapping is setup through both a CNAME mapping record and TXT verification record.

The steps for this in your GitLab repository are:

  1. Ensure you have a valid .gitlab-ci.yml file at the root of your repository; I used the [Wayback/] one from [Wayback/Archive] GitLab Pages examples / plain-html · GitLab as my site is purely static
  2. Ensure you have a valid index.html file in the public directory of your repository, similar to [Wayback/Archive] GitLab Pages examples / plain-html · GitLab
  3. When both 1. and 2. are committed in your repository at GitLab, then it will automatically be deployed to a docker container on, which allows the outside world to visit your GitHub Pages sie, and the Let’s Encrypt Certificate to be generated (and prevents this error: [Wayback/Archive] GitLab Pages integration with Let’s Encrypt | GitLab: “Something went wrong while obtaining the Let’s Encrypt certificate”).
  4. Under “Settings” -> “Pages”, add a new domain name to the repository: now it automatically becomes a GitLab Pages repository.
  5. When adding the domain, the settings page will show both a DNS CNAME record and DNS TXT record; ensure both are applied on your primary DNS name server and replicated to all authoritative DNS name servers.
  6. Save the new page.
  7. Check if the page is available on the new domain you added.
  8. Optionally under “Settings” -> “Pages” enable the “Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)” option and save.

TLS information

Note: I saved the TLS information – including certificates here:

More about the Let’s Encrypt certificates at [Wayback] Chain of Trust – Let’s Encrypt:


Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Cloud, Communications Development, Development, DNS, Encryption, GitLab, Hosting, HTML, HTTPS/TLS security, Infrastructure, Internet, Internet protocol suite, Let's Encrypt (letsencrypt/certbot), Power User, Software Development, Source Code Management, TCP, TLS, Web Development | Leave a Comment »