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PowerShell: recovering from corrupt empty *.nupkg files after a disk was accidentally full during update

Posted by jpluimers on 2021/09/09

When you do a choco upgrade all --yes on a system that – during upgrade – becomes low on disk space, you can end up with a lot of empty .nupkg files.

For those package, Chocolatey will not recognise they are installed any more.

The fix is this:

  1. increase disk space so at least 5 gigabytes is free
  2. split the choco upgrade process so it checks before each upgrade that this diskspace is indeed free
  3. list all choco .nupkg files of length zero ordered from oldest to newest
  4. for each package, delete the .nupkg file if it exists, then force install it with the --force parameter before the --yes parameter like in

    choco install --force --yes chocolatey

  5. when all packages have been done, then choco upgrade --all --yes

I wrote a few PowerShell scripts assisting me in cleaning up the mess.


choco list --localonly %*


:: `--limit-output`  does not show Chocolatey version header and count footer.
:: `--id-oonly`      omits the version number, so you only get the package name
choco list --local-only --limit-output --id-only


:: `--limit-output`  does not show Chocolatey version header and count footer.
choco list --local-only --limit-output %*


  • [WayBack] Powershell – Finding 0-byte Files | Another computer blog
  • [WayBack] windows – Where is the Chocolatey installation path? – Stack Overflow:

    There is an environment variable set on installation, ChocolateyInstall, which is set to C:\Chocolatey by default in versions of Chocolatey less than After that, this defaults to C:\ProgramData\Chocolatey.

    NOTE: By default, the C:\ProgramData folder on Windows is hidden. You will either need to enable hidden files and folders through Folder Options | View or you can navigate directly to the path shown above by copy/pasting directly into the Windows Explorer address bar.

    In version 0.9.9 of Chocolatey, it actively moves from the old folder location to the new one.

  • [WayBack] string – Powershell concatenate an Environment variable with path – Stack Overflow

    A convenient way to obtain the string value rather than the dictionary entry (which is technically what Get-ChildItem is accessing) is to just use the variable syntax: $Env:USERPROFILE rather than Get-ChildItem Env:USERPROFILE.

    $localpath = "$env:USERPROFILE\some\path"

    Also, the Join-Path cmdlet is a good way to combine two parts of a path.

    $localpath = Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE 'some\path'

Zero length .nupkg files sorted by oldest first.

These are packages that choco will not show and likekly need a forced reinstall.

Choco does remember the version that was installed (so not all the choco config is hosed).


$LibPath = Join-Path $env:ChocolateyInstall 'lib'
$NuPkgExtension = 'nupkg'
$NupkgFilter = "*.$NuPkgExtension"

## Remove the empty .nupkg files for each argument
$args | ForEach-Object {
    $PackageName = $_ 
    Write-Output "Deleting any empty $PackageName.$NuPkgExtension under $LibPath :"

    Get-ChildItem -Path $LibPath -Recurse -Filter $NupkgFilter | Where-Object {
        ($_.Length -eq 0) -and ($_.BaseName -eq $PackageName)
    } | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | ForEach-Object { 
        $PackageFullName = $_.FullName
        Write-Output "Deleting $PackageFullName"
        Remove-Item $PackageFullName

## Force install the chocolatey package for each argument
$args | ForEach-Object {
    $PackageName = $_ 
    Write-Output "Installing $PackageName with Chocolatey:"
    choco install --force --yes $PackageName

Link lists

Some more links that helped me solve this:

Some links on errors I encountered while recovering from this:

  • Checksum errors like[WayBack] (sysinternals) checksum error · Issue #756 · chocolatey-community/chocolatey-coreteampackages · GitHub are often caused by the chocolatey package downloading the most recent installer despite the package version. Two solutions:
    1. Pass --ignorechecksum to choco --install (see [WayBack] CommandsInstall · chocolatey/choco Wiki · GitHub)
    2. First uninstall using the --force parameter
      [] Chocolatey Software | Sysinternals 2019.6.29

      Sysinternals Suite is going to be installed in ‘C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\sysinternals\tools’
      File appears to be downloaded already. Verifying with package checksum to determine if it needs to be redownloaded.
      Error – hashes do not match. Actual value was ‘A510C31C2CC591A16F342E7CBA5DC8409EAF08C9B56729CF132C95C69E196787’.
      Downloading sysinternals
      from ‘;
      Progress: 100% – Completed download of C:\Users\devCrPhoneDebug\AppData\Local\Temp\2\chocolatey\sysinternals\2018.12.27\ (23.51 MB).
      Download of (23.51 MB) completed.
      Error – hashes do not match. Actual value was ‘A510C31C2CC591A16F342E7CBA5DC8409EAF08C9B56729CF132C95C69E196787’.
      ERROR: Checksum for ‘C:\Users\devCrPhoneDebug\AppData\Local\Temp\2\chocolatey\sysinternals\2018.12.27\’ did not meet ‘b14466c6bf3be216ea71610a3f455030e791cd5ad1b42a283886194205d176b0’ for checksum type ‘sha256’. Consider passing the actual checksums through with –checksum –checksum64 once you validate the checksums are appropriate. A less secure option is to pass –ignore-checksums if necessary.
      The install of sysinternals was NOT successful.
      Error while running ‘C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\sysinternals\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1’.
      See log for details.

      Chocolatey installed 0/1 packages. 1 packages failed.
      See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log).

  • Packages that cannot be found at all:[WayBack] “imagemagick not installed. The package was not found with the source(s) listed” – Google Search
    • This means that Chocolatey cannot find a dependency, but will not tell you which one. It also happens during package testing:[WayBack] imagemagick v7.0.9.7 – Failed – Package Tests Results · GitHub
      • Solve this by fixing all other empty .nupkg files first, which will give you an idea on the potential missing dependencies. Retry by forcing reinstall each dependency.
  • Dependencies that cannot be found, which can be caused by more empty .nupkg files. Example: [WayBack] Unable to resolve dependency · Issue #206 · chocolatey/choco · GitHub
    • Solve this by each time a dependency is not found, include on the choco-reinstall-empty-nupkg-by-names.ps1command, then retry.


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