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Jeroen W. Pluimers on .NET, C#, Delphi, databases, and personal interests

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Playing around with spammers is easy

Posted by jpluimers on 2021/12/09

Thread start: [] Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten on Twitter: “I created a fake company to play around with spammers, and it is just such a joy to use, and you can use it too. A thread: I receive an email from a scammer/spammer. Like this:… “

Archived unroll: [Wayback] Thread by @Boris on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App.

Via: [] Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten on Twitter: “Or, next time you receive spam reply with this: “Please forward this email to, and delete my email, as I’ll be changing jobs soon, and this email address will no longer be active.””

The [] inspiration partly came from [Wayback] The Story of Lenny, the Internet’s Favorite Telemarketing Troll:

Lenny is a decade-old chatbot designed to troll telemarketers that has developed a cult following online. It’s remarkably convincing, but is it actually effective?

Research indicated that Lenny is effective and wastes time of scammers which they cannot spend on calling real people.

Some highlights

Waste time by sending spammers in an auto-reply loop of personas.

“Please forward this email to, and delete my email, as I’ll be changing jobs soon, and this email address will no longer be active.”

One of the email forwards bounces:

There even is a (http-only) web-site [Wayback] Nordic Procurement Services – Providing Procurement services worldwide since 1994.

A plugin for gmail or other mail systems would be cool, just as having more domains and accounts:

Some people are already adding these to their own domains:

Be sure to spread the word.

Oh, and have some spammers contact


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